BMW MINI Diagnostic Tool and Software Review

My daughter just bought a used BMW Mini, promptly filled up with 87 octane and got a CEL.

Looking for a good diagnostic scan tool and software.



What year of Mini. BMW MINI connectivity very much depends on year & model on early BMW MINI cars it was a case of using a VW KKL adaptor and linking pins 7 to 8 and using INPA software. But you will more likely need a D-Can cable with built in switch to link the pins .

The alternative is to buy something like the Autel AP200 a powerful Bluetooth diagnostic tool. I use this but this tool and software module are not bidirectional. I have one and use it regularly.

how to use autel maxiap ap200 01 900x506 - BMW MINI Diagnostic Tool and Software Review - BMW MINI Diagnostic Tool and Software Review

There are also the Thinkdiag which is based on manufacturer modules from the Launch X431.

There are other options something from the lower end of the Launch (I love my Launch Diagun) or Autel range or the one make BMW scanners from iCarSoft.

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