Solution to Universal Can Diagnostic system V1.26.008 can’t find the cable

Offer the solution to Universal Can Diagnostic system V1.26.008 can’t find the cable Ford UCDS Pro+.


Attach 4 images of Universal Can Diagnostic system V1.26.008 error:


universal can diagnostic system v1 26 008 cant find the cable 01 600x339 - Solution to Universal Can Diagnostic system V1.26.008 can't find the cable - Solution to Universal Can Diagnostic system V1.26.008 can't find the cable universal can diagnostic system v1 26 008 cant find the cable 02 600x376 - Solution to Universal Can Diagnostic system V1.26.008 can't find the cable - Solution to Universal Can Diagnostic system V1.26.008 can't find the cable universal can diagnostic system v1 26 008 cant find the cable 03 600x338 - Solution to Universal Can Diagnostic system V1.26.008 can't find the cable - Solution to Universal Can Diagnostic system V1.26.008 can't find the cable universal can diagnostic system v1 26 008 cant find the cable 04 600x324 - Solution to Universal Can Diagnostic system V1.26.008 can't find the cable - Solution to Universal Can Diagnostic system V1.26.008 can't find the cable


Check if the driver is installed well. If you have no idea on how to install the driver, please watch this video made by engineer.


Guess this post is helpful:

How to setup Ford UCDS 1.26.008 software on XP SP3.


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