Multilanguage BMW Electronic Parts Catalog ETK V3.1.30 2016.04

BMW Electronic Parts Catalog ETK V3.1.30 04/2016 is tested ok and work with 2016 year BMW, and newly released at
BMW Electronic Parts Catalog ETK V3.1.30 04/2016 all details and installation procedure will be included in the following parts.

First part: BMW ETK V3.1.30 all details
1.BMW Electronic Parts Catalog ETK is used for:
Original Spare Parts Catalog BMW ETK contains the information on spare parts and accessories of machines and motorcycles for all regions, since 1932 (machine) and since 1948 (motorcycles).

2.BMW Electronic Parts Catalog ETK version history and development:
In version 08.2001 cosmetic changes of the interface are made and the information on antiquarian automobiles and motorcycles (probably for collectors) is added.
Since version BMW ETK 07.2001 (the version of the program 4.0) in the program has been added the new machine, MINI R50, a retort on Alec Issigonisa’s legendary It is established BMW ETK simply, the program is completely established on the winchester, borrows ~900Mb.

3.BMW Electronic Parts Catalog ETK is windows based:
Starting c versions BMW ETK 04.2000 (the version of the program 3.0) on CD is only the version under Windows.

4.Compatible Operation System: XP, win7, win8

Second part: BMW Electronic Parts Catalog ETK 3.1.30 2016.4 installation
First install Note: First install BMW ETK System Administrator all over again is automatically established, and already from it program BMW ETK, BMW TIS is established, etc. The Prices are established too from System Administrator, for this purpose the archive from a diskette containing two files, actually a price and a file a label is unpacked and rushes to a root of disk C, then the item ” gets out To establish the price ” and specify a way to files.
Then the program BMW ETK within 5-20 minutes depending on capacity of the machine loads the prices into the program, after the termination of loading of the prices these files can be removed.
Identification of the machine in the program is carried out on the last to 7 signs VIN of number, all other signs at BMW do not bear what information, except for the data of the manufacturer.

2.Step-by-step installation procedure:
Open the CD and copy “ETK_04_2016” compressed file to D:\ and then unzip it.

DAEMON Tools lite
1) Click “DAEMON Tools lite” at the desktop. Then at the blank area right click “Add image” and select D:\ETK_04_2016.
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2) Right click “ETK_04_2016” and select “Mount”.

3) ETK Information – Microsoft Internet Explorer automatically open, and this message display, just click “No”.
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etk information 04 2016 04 600x375 - Multilanguage BMW Electronic Parts Catalog ETK V3.1.30 2016.04 - Multilanguage BMW Electronic Parts Catalog ETK V3.1.30 2016.04

4) Exit DAEMON Tools Lite.

1) Open F:\ and click “Setup” to install.
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2) Choose BMW ETK language
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3) Click next and it will automatically take you to the following steps. Please note the port selection as follows.
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4) Properties USdealer. filename as follows.
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Come to ETK Electronic parts catalogue installation
1) Market selection, select Europe
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2) Dealer type, select both (Car dealer and Motorcycle dealer)
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3) Brand selection:
Install the Rolls-Royce brand, then install the Zinoro brand

4) Installation type
Choose “Reading in ETK user data that have already been saved.
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5) Transfer backup
Choose Path from F:\ETK_04_2016, then click “Skip”
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6) Create new Company, input both Company and Associate ID, then click “Save”, then
Create new Company 14 600x375 - Multilanguage BMW Electronic Parts Catalog ETK V3.1.30 2016.04 - Multilanguage BMW Electronic Parts Catalog ETK V3.1.30 2016.04

End of procedure, exit.

Then pop up a window “Select CD-Rom drive”, click “Ok” to select “ETK_04_2016(F:)

Then Admin Tool window pops up saying please wait, the parts data (Publication data) are being loaded. This may take several minutes.

The parts data (Publication data) have been read in successfully.

Open ETK(Lokal)
This is the newest ETK 3.1.30 user interface
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Open ETK Admin
The toolbar include: Data, Log files, Extras, communication and help.
Take the drop list of DATA for example, it includes: Load publication data, load prices, save other data, load other data.
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