VCM IDS 3 and VCM2 clone: What’s the difference & Which better?

Look at the chart: what’s the difference between VCM IDS 3 (SP277) and Chinese VCM 2 knock-off (SP177)? and which better for Ford or Mazda diagnosis and programming?


Ford diagnostic tool VCM IDS 3 VCM 2 clone
Image ford vcm ids3 diagnostic tool - VCM IDS 3 and VCM2 clone: What's the difference & Which better? - ford-vcm-ids3-diagnostic-tool ford vcm ii sp177 1 - VCM IDS 3 and VCM2 clone: What's the difference & Which better? - ford-vcm-ii-sp177-1
Latest software version Ford IDS 113

Mazda IDS 112

Ford IDS 112

Mazda IDS v96

Operating system Windows Vista: No

Windows XP: Need luck

Windows 7: Yes

Windows 8: Yes

Windows 10: Yes

Windows Vista: No

Windows XP: Yes

Windows 7: Yes

Windows 8: Need luck

Windows 10: Need luck

Language support English, German, Spanish, Spanish(Mexico), Italy, French, French (Canada), Greece, Finland, Slovenia, Danmark ,Czechic, Chinese(Taiwan), Chinese(China), American English, Vietnam, Turkey, Thailand, Swedish, Russian, Portuguese, Portuguese (Brazil), Poland, Norwegian, Holand, Korea, Japanese, Indian, Hungary It depends on that software is installed in the native or in the vmware machine.

VCM 2 china clone has different language support.

Diagnosis Yes Yes
Programming Yes Yes
Reprogramming Yes Yes
Conclusion VCM IDS 3 works good with new operation systems like Windows 8 or 10. and it’s more friendly for different language users for the better language support.


VCM 2 cloned units esp. SP177-c1 is a decent Ford diagnostic tool for diagnosis, programming and reprogramming. Runs more stable with functions confirmed to work!



Note; VCM 2 clone language:

VCM 2 china clone has different language support.

VCM 2 VMware-install version supports:

English, German, French, Italian, Spanish, Netherlands, Swedish, Danish, Norwegian, Portuguese, Slovak


VCM 2 sp177 (ids v101 vm), sp177-2 (ids v98 vm)


Note: you should buy a disk with new software installed before delivery. but there is no many languages for use.



VCM 2 native-install version supports:

English, German, Spanish, Spanish(Mexico), Italy, French, French (Canada), Greece, Finland, Slovenia, Danmark ,Czechic, Chinese(Taiwan), Chinese(China), American English, Vietnam, Turkey, Thailand, Swedish, Russian, Portuguese, Portuguese (Brazil), Poland, Norwegian, Holand, Korea, Japanese, Indian, Hungary


The native-install ver. includes VCM 2 sp177-c1 (ids v86), sp177-c (ids 108), sp177-1





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