How do you confirm VCM2 SP177-C best quality?

Here, will help you guys to check if you have the best China clone VCM2 SP177-C.


  1. Equipped yourself with PCB knowledge:

  1. Disassemble your VCM2 clone unit


  1. Check components on the main board, compared with PCB displayed here:

IMPORTANT: the VCM2 factory tries his best to improve the quality, so it’s natural to get the unit with a bit difference and the board you have might be kind of different from that in the link above.


DO NOT compare VCM2 from others with that from!


Received complaints from a customer that

he used the site:


BUT he complained a lot of his VCM2 SP177-C, saying it’s fake SP177-C….

sp177 c or sp177 2 1 450x600 - How do you confirm VCM2 SP177-C best quality? - How do you confirm VCM2 SP177-C best quality?

sp177 c or sp177 2 2 450x600 - How do you confirm VCM2 SP177-C best quality? - How do you confirm VCM2 SP177-C best quality?

sp177 c or sp177 2 3 450x600 - How do you confirm VCM2 SP177-C best quality? - How do you confirm VCM2 SP177-C best quality?

DISCLAIMER: is a reliable site to purchase VCM2 china clone, a man of his word to trust in. NO WORRIES! Lots of people talk about it via e.g.



  1. Check the source of VCM2 SP177-C:

vcm2 sp177 c pcb 2 - How do you confirm VCM2 SP177-C best quality? - vcm2-sp177-c-pcb-2

vcm2 sp177 c pcb 3 - How do you confirm VCM2 SP177-C best quality? - vcm2-sp177-c-pcb-3

vcm2 sp177 c pcb 4 - How do you confirm VCM2 SP177-C best quality? - vcm2-sp177-c-pcb-4


  1. What’s your next option if you cannot have SP177-C:


SP177-2  is a new VCM2 interface, released in the year 2018.

It’s produced by the same manufacturer as SP177-C1.

You can have one for tests if you like something new.

For quality and security, VCM2 SP177-C1 or SP177-C is your best option.





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