OBDSTAR DC706 Read and Write Cadillac 6L45 TCM EEPROM Flash on Bench

OBDSTAR DC706 ECU programmer reads and writes EEPROM and flash on Cadillac 6L45 TCM without any issue.


Device and accessories required:


Main cable

OBDSTAR P004 adapter

OBDSTAR P004 ECU clone jumper

Cadillac 6L45 TCM


Wiring diagram (Pinout):

Note: the Pinout function can be found on DC706 tablet after selecting car brand, and model.



Connect P004 jumper to Cadillac TCM according to the wiring diagram correctly

Connect the other end of P004 jumper and P004 adapter

Connect the other end of P004 adapter to the main cable

Connect the other end of the main cable to DC706

Don’t press the Switch button on P004 adapter, just turn the resistors to ON!


Menu function path:

Select ECU Flasher>> All>> TCM>> TCM V30.00>> CADILLAC>> CADILLAC GM 6L45 (OBD/BENCH)>> Start



Step1: Click “Connect” and press Switch button of P004 adapter

Connect to ECU successfully

Step 2: Click “Read eeprom”

Save the file after reading

Step 3: Click “Read flash”

Save the file after reading

Connect OBDSTAR DC706 to the new TCM with the same connection method above.

Step 4: Click “Write eeprom”

When the system prompts “whether to write HEX editor data?”, click “No”.

Select the original eeprom file just saved in step 2 to write into the new TCM

Write successfully

Step 5: Click “Write all flash”

When the system prompts “whether to write HEX editor data?”, click “No”.

Select the original flash file just saved in step 3 to write into the new TCM

Write successfully

Step 6: Click “Disconnect”

All read and write operations have been completed, click “Disconnect” and press the Switch button of P004 adapter to exit the job.



It’s quite easy to clone Cadillac TCM by OBDSTAR DC706 on bench.



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